How to Create Sub-domains in Google Domains under your Domain Name and Connect the Sub-domains to Blogger?

In this post, we will help you Create Subdomains under your Domain Name in Google Domains. And then, we will help you Connect those Sub-domains to Blogger easily.

If you own a domain in Google Domains, you can create 100's of subdomains under your domain name.

It will be easy for you to Auto-verification if you have 
Domain in Google Domain and BlogSpot from the Same Google Account. So try creating BlogSpot from the same google Account in which you own a Domain in Google Domains for auto-verification.

Let's Create a Sub-domain in Our Domain Name in Google Domains and then Connect that Sub-domain to BlogSpot Step by Step:-

#1. First of All, You must own a Domain Name to create a Sub-Domain in Google Domains.

#2. Open the Google Domain site to Create A Sub-domain in your browser.

#3. Now go to ' DNS ' under the Domain Name in which you want to Create Sub-domain, as shown in the photo below.

#4. Then go to the ' Registered hosts ' Option inside DNS as in the photo below.

#5. Now you have to put the Sub-domain Name you want to put. So, Enter the Sub-domain Name in the HOST NAME option.

#6. Now, go to the IPv4 Address option to add your IPv4 Address.

Now, go to this site to find your IPv4 Address:

The IPv4 Address will as like as shown in the photo below.
Copy that IPv4 Address and Paste it into the Google Domains: IPv4 Address as in the photo below. Get your IPv4 Address just before creating Subdomains as it keeps changing.

After adding your IPv4 Address, Click on Add on the side of your Sub-domain, and it's saved now.

#7. Now go to the BlogSpot to CONNECT your Sub-Domain to BlogSpot.

#8. Go to the Setting option and then go to Custom Domain Option.

#9. Click in the Custom Domain and add your Subdomain Full Link you just created with www at the starting of the subdomain name as in the photo below.
You should use the same Google Account for Google Domain and BlogSpot, and then it will be easy for you for Auto-Verification.

Don't Forget to Add: www. before your sub-domain name. If you don't add www., it won't work, as shown in the photo below.

#10. Then it takes some time, and after some time, about 2-3 hours, your BlogSpot will be connected to that Sub-domain.

Your BlogSpot will be Redirected to that Sub-domain link Automatically now.

Congratulations, you just created a Sub-Domain and Connected that Sub-Domain with the BlogSpot. Now, you can create 100's of Sub-Domains in Google Domain and Connect those Subdomains to BlogSpot.

Also, Watch our Video for Creating Sub-Domains and Connecting Sub-Domains to BlogSpot for Step by Step Guide : 

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